viernes, 29 de marzo de 2019

Apologies To Trump

All of us.  Ok, many of us (myself included) owe President Donald Trump an apology for jumping to conclusions and believing the FAKE NEWS that went out of its way to spread falsehoods about Russian collusion on a daily basis.

I was taken in for a long while.  In fact, it wasn't until a few months ago that I realized we have one Hell of a President and things could be worse... a lot worse. 

Now that he's been vindicated, let's get back to ensuring the United States of America remains the greatest country in the world!

President Trump talks a lot of trash, can be a bastard, and gets things wrong just like everyone does, but now I see that he has America's best interests at heart.  He isn't the most terrible awful bad news individual portrayed by the media.  That's just Trump derangement syndrome.

Sorry for doubting you, hoss.  Carry on, Mr. President!


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